Episode 77 • 24 July 2024

Elizabeth Seger on Open Source AI

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Elizabeth Seger is the Director of Technology Policy at Demos, a cross-party UK think tank with a program on trustworthy AI. She was previously a researcher with Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI) in Oxford, and is an affiliate of the AI: Futures and Responsibility Project (AI:FAR) at the University of Cambridge.

(Image) Elizabeth Seger

In this episode we talked about open source the risks and benefits of open source AI models. In particular, we discussed:


Let us know if we missed any resources and we’ll add them.


Coming soon!

Note that this transcript will be machine-generated, by a model which makes frequent mistakes and sometimes hallucinates entire sentences. Please check with the original audio before using this transcript to quote our guest.

(Image) The Cathedral and the Bazaar